
What’s At Stake

Rapid advances in technology are shifting the way we make, manage, and use energy, in the process providing the means to address electric grid challenges, extreme weather events and reduce cost pressures on households and energy consumers. These changes give consumers new options to save money and take control of the energy they use. They also offer new opportunities for innovation, economic growth, and job creation. But the energy status quo, made up of powerful incumbent interests and bolstered by laws and regulations crafted in their favor, stands in the way.

Advanced energy encompasses the full range of better energy solutions that can win, based on cost and performance, if only the policies are in place to overcome the inertia, and resistance, of old energy. That’s why we need elected leaders—whether Republican, Democrat, Independent, or other—with the vision and capacity to enact laws and regulations that will accelerate deployment of clean energy and transportation technologies.

We exist to help elect candidates who are champions of advanced energy. Your support sends the message that advanced energy should be a top priority and makes us more effective in obtaining the policies needed to build a more resilient energy system and expand access to clean energy solutions across the country.

Our Strategy

Advanced Energy Action has a three-pronged approach to engaging in electoral politics.

  1. First, we build relationships with key legislative leaders. Access and influence are critical to delivering big wins for the advanced energy industry and increasing awareness and support for clean energy among key decision makers.

  2. Next, we dive into electoral contests that can reshape the energy debate in targeted states. By engaging in key districts, both directly and through independent expenditure, we can help tilt the balance of power in a state, building toward an advanced energy legislative majority.

  3. Finally, we raise the profile of advanced energy for both voters and decision makers. Through positive and negative accountability, we have the ability to shape how the victor views our issues in upcoming legislative sessions.